Products and Services for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners
September 20, 2024  
  Business Products and Services  

Dalite Da-Lite Polacoat Rear Projection Screen (Da-Plex) - 96 x 96 (27538)



Da-Lite Polacoat Rear Projection Screen (Da-Plex) - 96 x 96 (27538)

Dalite Da-Lite Polacoat Rear Projection Screen (Da-Plex) - 96 x 96 (27538)

Diffusion coatings are available for all types of applications with any size screen and a wide range of viewing angles. Diffusion coating is permanently bonded to the substrate. Cannot peel off like laminated film or vinyl based diffusion screens.

Want to buy the Da-Lite Polacoat Rear Projection Screen (Da-Plex) - 96 x 96 (27538)?

Click on our link above to find a great deal. You'll get a great deal and help a good cause, helping to offset our costs associated with providing free resources for entrepreneurs.

Looking for more Electronics Projection Video Screens products? Try the Da-Lite Polacoat Rear Projection Screen (Da-Plex) - 96 x 96 (27557) from Dalite. Another product to consider is the Dalite Da-Lite Polacoat Rear Projection Screen (Da-Plex) - 96 x 96 (27578).

Didn't find exactly what you were looking for? Then, simply browse the appropriate product category in our Electronics list below to find more great deals, including available discounts.
