Products and Services for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners
September 20, 2024  
  Business Products and Services  

Canon MP49D 2-Color Ribbon Printing Calculator, 14-Digit Display (CNM9491A001)



MP49D 2-Color Ribbon Printing Calculator, 14-Digit Display (CNM9491A001)

Canon MP49D 2-Color Ribbon Printing Calculator, 14-Digit Display (CNM9491A001)

MP49D 2-Color Ribbon Printing Calculator Lines/Second Speed5.2 in red and black Display Type14-Digit, Fluorescent Digit Size20mm Item Count Function Cost/Sell/Margin Time/Date Feature Tax Function Memory4-Key Size8-7/8w x 13-1/4d Manufacturer Warranty1 Year RibbonNUKBR80C (sold separately) Roll PaperUNV35720 (sold separately) High-performance. Currency exchange function. AC adapter only. SOLD AS: Each STOCK NUMBER: 9491A001 UPC: 10013803040101

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